Tanner Surfboards available now

Tanner Surfboards available now

Tanner Prairie was born in Costa Mesa, California and spent his days surfing at Blackies in Newport Beach. Blackies offered a community and network of friendships that still remain a huge part of his life today.

In 2008, a dear friend and long time shaper, Mike Marshall took him under his wing and served as his mentor in keeping the tradition of hand shaping surfboards. Mike was a shaper for Harbour Surfboards in the early 60’s, and shaped such boards as the The Trestles Special, and the Cheater.

Currently Tanner resides in Costa Mesa where he continues to shape and test his designs along the California coast or wherever else his travels take him.

Shaping Lineage: Joe Quigg -> Mike Marshall -> Tanner Prairie

For all enquiries and for custom orders give us a shout!

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